Does a Metal Roof Attract Lightning?

Metal roofs and lighting have been a hot topic for ages. Imagine this: you are snug in your living room when a storm is approaching. As soon as you hear the thunder and see the lightning flashes, you instantly think about your roof.

We have been told that metal roofs seem to be a magnet for lighting, so any storm makes you feel uneasy. After all, it’s metal, right? Before regretting your roofing choice, it is time to debunk this myth once and for all. Join us as we share some science facts that might shock you!

Does a metal roof attract lightning?

If you were thinking that a metal roof is more prone to lightning strikes, you were wrong. On the contrary, if a strike does occur, it will be less dangerous. 

And now, it is time for some science. After long years of researching lighting, scientists have revealed how it works. However, some things are still a mystery: how it occurs and where it strikes.

Where would a lightning strike? It seeks the best conductor that is closest to the cloud to shorten the distance it has to travel through the air. In case you’ve missed the physics class, buildings and trees are better conductors than air.

The lighting takes the shortcut and strikes the highest point in the area. This means that tall trees, poles, and even your house are potential targets.

And your metal roof? It’s not a lightning magnet any more than a regular roof would be.

If we have to describe the perfect target for a lightning strike, it would be the closest and tallest object, regardless of the material.

So, next time a storm rolls in, you can sigh with relief knowing that the roof you picked for its high durability doesn’t attract lightning.

Why is a metal roof less dangerous during lightning strikes?

Metal is a good conductor of electricity, so this is where the common misconception comes from. But this is actually good news. It really doesn’t draw the lighting from the cloud but rather disperses the energy.

Concrete and wood are poor conductors, which means there is more electrical resistance. This will turn the massive amount of energy into heat, which may result in a fire. Remember that you are safer inside a car than you are standing next to it during a storm? Similar to that, the metal roof is like a big shield, dispersing the energy and minimizing the damage.

What happens if lightning strikes your house?

The aftermath pretty much depends on the materials and the lighting protection system. A building with a conductive metal roof and a metal frame stands better chances during a lightning strike.

And what about electronics? Electronic equipment is sensitive and can be prone to damage, and we have all the stories of how lighting caused damage to electronics and appliances. But we have some good news. When properly installed, metal roofs are grounded. This provides a straightforward path for the lighting which minimizes the risk for your electrical system.

And what does the research say about this hot topic? According to the Metal Construction Association, metal roofs are no more or less likely to be struck by lightning than any other type of roofing material.

And once again, metal is a good conductor and a noncombustible material.

A grounded roof that meets the NFPA 780 requirements conducts the energy over the broader area and minimizes heat, which reduces the chances of fire.

Final thoughts

After going through this article, you won’t worry the next time you hear thunder. Your metal roof doesn’t attract lighting and is a sturdy and safe choice in the event of a lightning strike. Plus, you get the added benefits of durability, longevity, and energy efficiency.

Now that this myth is debunked, you can confidently pick a metal roof for your home. Contact us now, and we will provide you with durable and aesthetic options!